A miracle cat is lucky to be alive after being shot with 34 pellets.

Wounds - the dots on the X-ray show the pellets imbedded in Tom's body. Picture: STEVE O'CONNELL 86H2L3

The pellets, all of the same variety, were fired at the feline in a mysterious attack.

It happened last Thursday in the Billericay area, where the black and white cat, now known as Tom, was found by a local woman.

The injured animal was taken to Cherrydown Vets in Basildon, which removed 34 pellets from its body.

A spokesman for the vets said: "The cat is lucky to be alive and to have survived his injuries. He was in a serious condition."

The Cat Protection League paid the costs. The two-year-old moggy has now been rehomed.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002