Professional snoopers are being drafted into Southend in a last-ditch attempt to beat the scourge of noisy and abusive neighbours, it has been revealed.

Under plans to be launched by Southend Council later this month, people will be paid to move into an area to "witness" anti-social or nuisance behaviour by residents.

Their evidence will be crucial in any action housing bosses take to evict unruly tenants including anti-social behaviour orders, designed to crack down on unruly people. Council bosses insist it is a "last option" in the drive to make the town's most troublesome streets more hospitable.

But they say it is vital because in too many cases residents are too frightened to inform on their noisy neighbours for fear of reprisals.

Ann Holland, the council's executive member for environment and public protection, said it had been used in other areas of the country and added: "We cannot tolerate people's lives being made a misery any more."

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002