Vandals have taken to flower-sabotage at The Alma pub at Harwich and poured petrol into its award-winning but controversial hanging baskets.

Steve Clark beside the ruined flowers Picture: SEANA HUGHES (20224-a)

Last year the pub was involved in a row over the baskets after a complaint they were too long and got in the way.

Pub owner Steve Clark and his wife Sadie were devastated by the attack but are determined to replace the flowers.

Mr Clark said: "The thing that upset Sadie is how someone could be so petty to kill something so beautiful."

Essex County Council had asked Mr Clark to cut the flowers back after the complaint, which he said he had done.

Last August, a complaint had led to Mr Clark being told to take the baskets down.

But Mr Clark defiantly refused to co-operate, saying the pub was in a historic part of Harwich with narrow pavements, which people did not normally use anyway.

A petition with hundreds of signatures was signed in favour of the baskets.

Anyone with information on the attack should call Harwich police on 01255 241312 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002