You're never too young to learn that smoking is bad for you.

Getting the message across - Mary O'Sullivan and baby Matthew. Picture: STEVE O'CONNELL 87NTW1

That was the message from staff at Southend Hospital who produced special T-shirts for babies born on No Smoking Day.

Parents seemed happy enough to persuade their children as early as possible to avoid the habit.

T-shirts were yesterday dished out at the same time as Southend Hospital announced plans to abolish two special rooms for smokers.

Instead, those still wishing to light up will have to seek sanctuary in new smoking shelters in the hospital grounds.

Director of personnel and communications, Steve Buggle, is spearheading the drive to make the hospital a no-smoking zone.

He said: "We are committed to improving the quality of the working lives of our staff and the healthcare of our patients.

"Banning smoking inside our buildings is a further step towards making Southend Hospital a completely smoke-free zone."

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002