No homes will be built on Canvey Football Club's Park Lane site when it moves to a new purpose-built stadium to the west of the island, Castle Point Council said today.

Your ground is safe - Jackie Reilly with the ancient covenant. Picture: ROBIN WOOSEY 87NQM41

The ground would be left empty if the club carries out newly-announced plans to move to the new site, possibly at Waterside Farm off Somnes Avenue.

Neighbours were immediately concerned about the prospect of new houses being built on the site instead.

However, an official covenant document has revealed that this land is dedicated to the people of Canvey forever.

The news delighted Labour Canvey East councillor Jackie Reilly, who chairs Castle Point Council's asset management panel.

She said: "This covenant means we cannot sell the land. It will be dedicated forever to the people of Canvey. We can revert it back to a park, if that's what the residents want."

The matter is to be reported to Castle Point Council's next asset management panel meeting on March 25.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002