Maldon Town Regatta Association, which is hoping to restore the 200-year-old event to something like it was in its heyday in the 1960s, has uncovered one of four trophies that have not been seen for decades.

The Alliance Shipping Cup turned up after the association, which has been saved from disbanding by the formation of a totally new committee, appealed to members to search cabinets and attics in an effort to relocate cups and shields that have remained unreturned by past winners.

The association need the trophies because it intends to organise far more events at this year's regatta, on September 28.

Peter Maynard, new chairman of the regatta, which has fallen upon hard times in recent years, said: "We would ask anyone who has been involved in local sailing over the years, however, old, to search their lofts and attics in the hope that we might be able to find this missing trophies."

The four trophies that the association want to track down are the Don Jones Shield, the Dan Webb and Feesey Shield and the Henrietta Sadd Cup.

If you come across any of them then contact Mr Maynard at 4 London Road, Maldon, or give him as call on 852808.

The regatta was once one of the biggest and most popular East Coast events, but in recent years has been restricted to only a handful of classes.

Incredibly, last year it did not even take place in Maldon, with racing finishing at Heybridge Basin.

But Mr Maynard hopes that will never happen again and says the association is committed to making the event one to remember, with a host of events and activities arranged this time.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002