A Westcliff bowls club was presented with a special gift for a charity raffle by Southend company Keymed.

Charity hope - members of Essex County Bowls club are hoping the Bowlathon is a big success. Picture: STEVE O'CONNELL 85D6R1

Luke Calcraft from KeyMed donated a colour television to the Essex County Bowling Club in Imperial Avenue, Westcliff. The club will be taking part in a Bowlathon on April 21 to raise funds for Southend leukaemia and cardiac care charities.

Proceeds from both the Bowlathon and the raffle will be shared between Zippers Bowling Club cardiac care charity and the new Leukaemia unit at Southend Hospital.

Zippers president, Harold Gibson, and ECBC president Joe Wilks were among those who attended the presentation by KeyMed.

Published Thursday, March 14, 2002