A charitably-minded man has had his plea answered.

Peter Kettle, 21, has been searching for a crane and fellow daredevils in Colchester, to help bungee his way to extra funds for good cause, Scope, based in Winstree Road.

Charity organiser Steve Corness said the call for help had been answered by the Dog and Pheasant, in Mile End, after almost two months of searching.

"We found out they were already organising a jump on April 1 in the car park area, and it was agreed Peter could join in," he said.

Mr Kettle decided he would take the plunge after a night out drinking.

"He said he'd always wanted to do a bungee jump and I offered to organise it if he came back sober and still wanted to go for it," said Mr Corness.

A target of £1,000 has been set for the young man's jump.

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002