An 85-year-old woman who foiled a bogus caller in West Mersea has been described as "very lucky" by council staff.

The pensioner was confronted by the man, pretending to be a council official checking her personal alarm, yesterday afternoon.

A man telephoned her at 3pm to say he would be servicing her alarm - a pendant that is linked directly to a 24-hour, two-way community helpline based in the town hall - later that day.

He turned up in the dark at 7pm, and presented a business card to her, claiming to be from the Colchester Council scheme.

It was only her quick-thinking, said scheme co-ordinator Bob Brookes, which kept the unknown man out of her home.

"He had no photo ID on him and the lady did not recognise him.

"She refused to let him in even though he stood on the doorstep for about three minutes and wouldn't take no for an answer."

Authorised mobile support helpline visitors drop in on users between one and six times a year. They always carry picture identification with them.

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002