Teenager Stephanie Piscina has decided to remove her tongue piercing and return to school after more than a year at home.

The 14-year-old, of Manor Street, Braintree, will start at Alec Hunter school in Stubbs Lane, Braintree, on Monday.

Stephanie was previously enrolled at Notley High School in Braintree but was told by the school the silver stud was unacceptable and that she would have to be taught separately from other pupils outside the classroom, which she did for a few months.

But she refused to remove the jewellery and for the last year her mum Sandra Piscina has been teaching her at home.

On January 11, her parents were sent a letter from education welfare officers at the county council giving them three weeks to find Stephanie a school.

And last week it was confirmed Stephanie had a place at Alec Hunter School.

Mum Sandra Piscina said: "She's feeling a lot better and looking forward to going back to school."

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002