Graphic photographs showing the bloodied bodies of notorious Essex drug barons Pat Tate, 37, Tony Tucker, 38, and Craig Rolfe, 26, have just been posted by controversial crime writer Bernard O'Mahoney on his website.

This Is Essex has decided not to link to this website due to the nature of these images

The pictures, taken by Essex Police Scenes of Crime Officers, show Tate, Tucker and Rolfe slumped in their Range Rover.

Essex Police have denied supplying the site with the horrific pictures of the three gangsters, who were blasted to death at Rettendon seven years ago.

Mr O'Mahoney, from Peterborough, who believes Steele and Whomes to be innocent, defended his use of the photographs, but would not reveal his source.

He commented: "If the sight of three gangsters blasted to death prevents one youngster from taking up crime, then I think it is worth it."

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002