A police investigation is under way after a council refuse worker was shot at while on his daily round in Vange.

The worker, who has not been named, escaped injury after a pellet ricocheted into his van in Ravenscourt Road.

PC Mark Hayes, from Laindon police, said the incident occurred at around 9.30am on Monday. He said: "While the refuse worker was carrying out his round he heard a pellet whistle by.

"It struck the side of his dust cart but it definitely wasn't a bullet since there was no damage to the vehicle. We are satisfied the pellet didn't come from a firearm."

PC Hayes said there were no suspects and no-one had been seen by the council worker at the scene of the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Basildon police on 01268 532212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002