A lunchtime spin with his college friends in Colchester spelt disaster for a Witham man.

Steven Lambeth drove his Ford Orion too fast in Colchester and spun out of control, leaving him badly injured.

His passengers were also hurt as were the elderly people in an oncoming car, and two young women were forced off a pedestrian crossing, John Butcher prosecuting told Chelmsford Crown Court on Thursday.

Lambeth, 22, of Humber Road, Witham, admitted driving dangerously on June 7 on The Avenue of Remembrance.

Recorder John Dodd said the "terrifying incident" deserved a custodial sentence but he would be merciful because the consequences had been dramatic. He imposed 100 hours community punishment.

Mark Roochove mitigating said although not over the alcohol limit, a lunch time drink had an inhibiting effect. He wanted to impress his friends and Lambeth accepted he was incredibly stupid and was utterly ashamed of the way he drove.

He was the most seriously injured and as a result had lost his job which had a college course. A husband and father he had been declared bankrupt.

Published Wednesday, March 13, 2002