A new era in housing is set to deliver £58m in repairs and improvements to homes in Chelmsford.

In the biggest change in public services in a generation, Chelmsford Council handed over responsibility for its 7,000 council houses to Chelmer Housing Partnership (CHP) yesterday.

On behalf of the council, Mayor Chris Rycroft handed over a giant key to CHP chairman and council house tenant Dennis Laws at the Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford.

Craig Davies, Chelmsford Council's executive member for finance, said: "This transfer of our housing stock to CHP marks the start of a new era for housing provision in Chelmsford."

The council agreed the transfer, in July, as Government spending rules prevented it borrowing the money needed to bring its homes up to a modern standard.

Tenants voted in favour of the transfer in September.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002