Don't expect Gravesend and Northfleet to list Thurrock as one of their favourite ports of call.

The championship contenders had, until last night, suffered only one previous away defeat and that was in October at Grays.

An admirable performance then by the Essex branch of the Fleet that is sure to set them up very nicely thank you for Saturday's Thurrock derby.

Pity that they'll be nothing like a season's best 713 who filed into the Hotel ground to witness a perfect no-nonsense Purfleet display and one which certainly was a big favour to Canvey.

Jeff King hasn't always been that complimentary about Colin McBride's team but the Islanders title hopes look that little bit better, with Gravesend now just the two games in hand and three points in arrears.

But enough of the race for the title, this was a night to saviour for Purfleet with goals from their two outstanding individuals, Paul Linger and Jimmy McFarlane.

League games betwen the respective Fleets are always close and neither side could really get a hold on the game during a largely sterile half.

A shot by Terry Bowes which dipped too late and a diagonal effort in the penalty area from Warren Williams which Alex O'Reilly got fingertips too were the best both sides could muster until Linger struck four minutes before the break.

The midfielder had been easily Purfleet's most effective playmaker but now he decided it was time to take full control.

Picking up a loose ball following Dean Chandler's free-kick he took it one for some five yards and then from some 20 yards out planted a crisp right-foot shot inside Jamie Turner's right-hand post.

After such a tight first period, it was almost inevitable that the second would open up.

Gravesend brought on striker Che Stadhart and almost immediately he had a chance after a rare McFarlane error.

Williams out on the right flank was putting in the occasional dangerous cross, but that wasn't nearly as threatening as Steve Pashley's long throws.

Linger felt he should have won a penalty from one of them and then Terry Bowes's smart turn and shot forced Turner to tip over.

Purfleet's work-rate never slackened nor their discipline and when a goalbounmd Danny Lye header from Nick Burton's corner hit one of his own players you really started to feel this was going to be the home side's night.

But one goal is never enough, so step forward McFarlane.

He may be well into the veteran stage, but has there been a more consistent and outstanding centre-half in the Premier over the past half-a-dozen years ago?

Throw in the fact that McFarlane is enjoying one of his periods of goal-scoring then he is simply irreplaceable.

That he had found such an accurate corner-taker as Linger has been a help of course and in the 69th minute the pair were at it again for a third time in the last four games with the ball landing in the oppositiion net off McFarlane's head.

Still time for Gravesend to rescue a point, but in truth they rarely looked like getting one goal goal and the best they could muster were couple of long range efforts from the impressive Steve McKimm and substitute Liam Hatch.

"I thought we were in charge throughout," said McBride. "Make no mistake Gravesend are a good side and I've a lot of time for them, but we've shown a lot of commitment and kept our discipline and shape."

After beating the team in second place, Purfleet now face the one in third, Grays. "I'm looking forward to it. It should be a very interesting game," added McBride.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002