A sparkling Ofsted report has left Brentwood's Endeavour School bubbling with excitement.

The Hogarth Avenue school, which caters for children with moderate learning difficulties, has been judged as "excellent" in many areas following a visit by school inspectors in January.

Points picked out for particular praise are the school's leadership, the attitude of pupils, the number of extra-curricular activities and its strong links with the community.

Head teacher Peter Pryke said the extremely positive report would benefit the school's plans for the future: "This is an absolutely wonderful endorsement of all the work the school has been doing.

"The inspection report will add strength to our future goals, which include beacon status and the establishment of a 14-hour school and Sports College."

The inspectors only identified limited areas for improvement. These included the need to provide French teaching in Year 11 and the need to develop the use of Information and Communication Technology.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002