A study into the future of road transport has called for the dualling of the A120 at Harwich.

There have been calls for the dualling of the road for years and now a study by the Government's Go East department has agreed the improvement is needed.

A report said the upgrade would help freight management and economic growth - but it is still some way from getting final approval.

Harwich MP Ivan Henderson welcomed the move. He said: "The dualling campaign has been going on for as long as I can remember. I am encouraged by this study."

Last September the London to Ipswich Multi Modal Study steering group decided to refine a long list of possible schemes.

It found that to improve freight management the best road solution was the dualling of the A120 between Horsley Cross and Harwich and the upgrading of the existing A12 for all or some of its length.

It also felt extra capacity on the Great Eastern mainline and extra freight terminals were needed.

The next stage is to appraise the various schemes and to select the final strategy for the LOIS study. A final report will be produced by the summer.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002