Bosses at a quarry where a 15-year-old boy died while at work could face prosecution.

Death scene - Rainbow Shaw Quarry, Linford, where Dean Butler, 15, was crushed in a machine. Picture: TERENCE BUNCH 156AGD1

Papers in the case of Dean Butler, from Vange, killed at the Rainbow Shaw Quarry in Linford on December 5, are to be submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Essex Police and the Health and Safety Executive have completed their investigation into the tragedy and found that the 15-year-old had been working at the site, run by Clearserve Ltd, for three days.

On Monday, Chief Constable David Stevens will tell a meeting of Essex Police Authority in Chelmsford that, following interviews with two Clearserve directors in January, the case papers will be with the CPS by the end of this month.

The Chief Constable's quarterly report to the authority says: "An allegation of corporate manslaughter is being pursued in conjunction with the HSE."

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002