An attempted till snatch has been foiled at a Maldon hotel.

Two men and a woman were spotted in the reception area of the Blue Boar Hotel in Silver Street trying to break open a cash register at about 5pm on Thursday.

But when they were challenged by staff they ran off and police are now appealing for anyone in the area at the time who may have seen them to come forward.

A police spokesman said the first man was white, 5ft 10in tall, in his mid-20s, of very untidy appearance, unshaven and wearing a grey jumper and dark trousers.

The second was also white, 5ft 10in, unshaven and in his mid-20s, but had brown hair and was wearing a white baseball cap, a dirty white fleecy top and dark trousers.

The woman was described as being white, 5ft 4in tall, with long black hair tied in a bun and was wearing a dark leather coat and dark coloured trousers.

No money was taken, but they caused £50 damage to the till.

If anyone has any information they should contact PC Nigel Donkin at Maldon police on 01621 852255 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002