Southend Airport has claimed its modernisation plans have won the "overwhelming approval" of visitors to its open days in the last two weeks.

Airport bosses said that by a majority of two to one people who visited the exhibition featuring the proposals expressed their backing for the improvements which aim to bring back passenger flights to European destinations.

A main stumbling block is the proposal to move the old St Lawrence Church from its position at the end of the runway to a site nearby, which would allow a major part of the expansion.

Hundreds of people took the opportunity to find out for themselves what the airport modernisation plans would mean for the area.

Several thousand more have received information packs by post or have downloaded the information from the airport website at

Airport director Roger Campbell said: "The majority of comments we have received so far have been very positive and in favour of having Southend Airport retained as an asset for the area."

Mr Campbell added: "Obviously not everyone who attended was in favour, but we were just as happy to discuss their concerns, because the reason for the open days is to communicate as widely as possible with the public."

There is a further opportunity for people to view the proposals on Saturday, March 16, from 10am to 3pm.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002