Schoolchildren in Colchester are getting set to take part in the country's first youth Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

Presentation packs created by the police and Colchester Neighbourhood Watch have been given to children at St Benedict's College and the Gilberd School, which are piloting the new scheme.

When set up, the youth Neighbourhood Watch scheme will be run by the children themselves. They will have access to a range of crime-busting facilities, including special internet links to both the police and Neighbourhood Watch.

Children concerned about anything from bullying to thefts or vandalism will be able to report incidents in or out of the school in confidence through the youth watch scheme.

As well as having special internet links to Crimestoppers, Neighbourhood Watch and the police, the children running the scheme will also be able to rely on specially-appointed liaison officers for help or advice.

It is hoped committees will be formed in each school over the next few weeks.

Carole Dennis, co-ordinator of Colchester Neighbourhood Watch, said: "It will give them another avenue to report a variety of incidents or things of concern in confidence and that they will be taken seriously.

"It has been two nearly two years in the planning. Children will be able to share information and flag up fears or concerns which can cover absolutely anything."

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002