Emma Batcheler's quick thinking when her father passed out earned her a prestigious bravery award from the Guide Association.

Emma and Tony Batcheler

She is the only Brownie to ever receive the Anglia Brooch, which was presented to her at the 3rd Christ Church Wickford Brownie group meeting last week.

Emma, ten, was only eight years old when her dad Tony collapsed and fell to the floor four days after a hernia operation in December 2000.

The family was living in Wickford at the time but has since moved to Rayleigh.

The brave girl made sure her father was alright, called her mother, Karen, at work and calmed her brother Owen, four, who was then two years old.

Mr Batchelor is still amazed at his daughter's bravery: "I hit the floor and split my head open and the next thing I knew Emma was making sure I was OK and had called her mum.

"It was about 25 minutes before her mum came home and in that time Emma had managed to get herself and our son calmed."

Emma's family, grandparents and an uncle were at the surprise award presentation, as well as six Brownie's from her new group, 2nd Downhall at Rayleigh.

Mr Batcheler added: "When they said her name she went red. A lump came to my throat and I had tears in my eyes.

"She's been quite chuffed ever since and we are all so proud of her."

At the time of her father's accident Emma was a member of the Wickford group and was nominated for the award by her previous Brown Owl Denise Austin.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002