Elco Jones is getting jiggy with it again with a lush gig at Chinnery's on Southend seafront on March 16.

For a mere £5 you can catch the Southend-based ten piece original R'n'B, soul, funk and disco band - does that sound like a party atmosphere or what?

Support comes in the shape of Junior Woodstock and the doors open at 8pm.

Advance tickets can be acquired from Fives Records in Broadway, Leigh or High Street, Rayleigh, PMT music store and Honky Tonk music, both in Southend or call the band on 07816 925949.

Pensilnek's pulsating promo

Pensilnek - On the gigs trail

Pensilnek have been bubbling under the radar for a while, but they're definitely a band to keep an eye on.

Born in September 2000 thanks to an advert in Loot, lead singer and guitarist Hanya teamed up with Tel on bass, Greg on drums and Ross on guitar.

Since then it's been a consisted trail of gigs around the south east, plus a number of London gigs including the Sound Republic, Kings Head and even last year's Uxfest in Uxbridge.

Judging by the website they're getting a fair amount in the fan department and a banging CD promo is now out.

Hanya's lyrics and voice work well with the intense songs.

Clearly, this is Southend Nu-metal/punk at its best - cracking production and four very capable musicians, not just four kids playing at it.

Skreemin TV is exhaustive in its speed and energy. You're briefly lulled by Last Bref, which gives Hanya chance to really show off her blisteringly powerful voice and some smart harmony and multi-layering vocals, along with blinding guitar work.

Out on a Limb doesn't lift the same way as the first two tunes, but I think that's more to do with it being an ideal stripped-down acoustic tune rather a full blown rock anthem. But that's just me.

To make your own decision, pop along to the Hermit, Hermitage Site, Shenfield Road, Brentwood on March 15. Tickets are £4 and the doors open around 8pm.

And you can find out more about the band at www.pensilnek.com

Bluegrass Rowan's return

If you like bluegrass - and I do and I know there's a lot of Leigh folk who do and regularly curse the demise of the regular Leigh bluegrass nights - then prepare for a treat.

Peter Rowan was one of the major cult bluegrass artists of the '80s, winning a devoted, international fan base through his independent records and constant touring.

And he's playing the Riga Music Bar in London Road, Westcliff tomorrow.

Over the years Peter has worked with Bill Monroe, Earth Opera, Seatrain, Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, Steve Earle, New Riders of the Purple Sage, Bill Keith, Jim Rooney, Muleskinner, Old And In The Way, Flaco Jimenez.

In addition, he's toured and opened alongside Janis Joplin and the Doors. Tickets are £5 and the doors open at 8pm.

Sheena's 'dynamic' sound at Vocalzone

Sheena Davis is back and good thing too. You can catch her at the Vocalzone, held at the Ship pub, New Road, Leigh on March 24.

From 7.30pm and for the meagre sum of £4 you can enjoy this brilliant singer who has been lauded wherever she's gone.

The punky-but-sweet lady has clearly got a love of the south east of Essex as she's been coming back for the past few years and even put on a great show at last year's Southend Jazz Festival.

But don't take just my word for it. The London Evening Standard said she was "dynamic, spirited and effervescent... sings with power and feeling"

while Jazz FM said Sheena was: "the finest new talent to come around for many years."

The Mail on Sunday said Sheena had a: "strong style and an impressive backing band", the Daily Express was: "amazed at her talent" while the Times called her a: "fiery jazz & soul singer." And having seen her live, I'd agree.

For more information call the Vocalzone on 01268 778704.

Meantime, this March 10 you can see Closing Time who are a cracking live band.

Leon is a master of the piano and their singer can kick it with John Mellencamp.

Again, tickets are £4, doors open at 7.30pm and you'll get two live vocal sets.

Little Wonder getting bigger

Little Wonder, the devilishly good David Bowie tribute band fronted by Tony Perry, are playing the Ship pub in New Road, Leigh on March 22.

This band has gone from strength to strength and give it another year or two and you'll be seeing them play big festivals like the Bootleg Beatles do.

Little Wonder - Bowie tribute band

Tickets, available at Fives record store in Broadway, Leigh, are just £5, and the doors open at 8.30pm.

Tribute band's Supernatural sounds in Westcliff

Carlos Santana had a bit of a revival a couple of years back thanks to his Grammy-award winning album Supernatural, which introduced a whole new generation to the Mexican-maestro's Latin rock and blues.

And on March 16 at the Riga Music Bar in London Road, Westcliff you can get the next best thing with tribute band VivaSantana.

VivaSantana - tribute to the Mexican musician

Marcos Rodriguez slowly put together a dedicated and capable band who can trace the full history and scope of the astounding guitarist.

Starting with the congas and drums of Soul Sacrifice, through to the pounding bass line of Ji-Go-Lo-Ba, the latino piano of Yaleo and the cool Smooth, expect a treat.

Tickets are £5 in advance or £6 on the door. Doors open at 8.30pm.

For more information go to the website www.vivasantana.com

Published Tuesday March 12, 2002