Budding poet Paul Esser used his rhyming skills to make sure nothing got left on the shelf when he went on a £1,000 spending spree at the Co-op in Southend.

Paul, 47, did not have to pay a penny for his trolleyload at the store in Sutton Road, after he won the big prize in Co-op vouchers in a national slogan competition organised by the supermarket chain.

He beat off hundreds of entrants from all over the UK to scoop the top prize with his slogan Bottled, bagged, boxed or canned, Co-op is one grand brand.

Paul, of Glenhurst Road, Southend, said: "I am going to share my win with my wife Joyce. We're delighted. As regular Co-op shoppers the vouchers will keep us stocked up for a while."

Paul was presented with his prize by store manager Peter Murphy.

Published Tuesday, March 12, 2002