Christine Rolfe is hoping to bring the financially strapped Chelmsford Carnival back as a torchlight procession this autumn.

Ms Rolfe who has suspended the annual event for the last few years - once because it clashed with the Carnival Against Capitalism - is seeking help and sponsorship.

"We are broke and I estimate we need at least £3000 to get the carnival up and running. We are looking for a new carnival court because all our girls are grown up." She said.

The aim is for the event to take place on a Saturday evening in September of October.

But this week Chelmsford Borough Council said they had not been approached to approve any route or for assistance in organising the event.

Ms Role said she would like potential carnival queen entrants and participants in the procession to get in touch with her and her deputy Linda Grant.

To contact Ms Role call Chelmsford 346642

Published Thursday, March 7, 2002