Plans for traffic calming measures outside Castle Point schools are to go ahead - despite local objections to the scheme.

Residents in Bowers Road and Albion Road, Benfleet, wrote to Castle Point Council opposing the proposed 20 mph speed limits near Kents Hill Junior and Infants schools and the Holy Family School.

It was intended to impose the limit 24 hours a day, seven days a week but residents said they should only be in force during school hours.

They were also unhappy about the council's intention to install a road hump in Bowers Road, road narrowing in Albion Road and a mini roundabout at the junction of Kents Hill Road, Thundersley.

However, at a meeting of the highways committee, council members agreed to keep to the original proposal to protect youngsters travelling to the three schools in Kents Hill Road.

Brian Wilson (Lab, St Mary's) said: "Twenty miles an hour outside a school is something that should be outside every school. The damage done between 20mph and 30mph is phenomenal."

Chris Findlay (Con, Boyce) said: "We have constantly talked about the need to consult the public and the residents have written us letters outlining basic points. But what do they find?

"They find that we are going ahead.

"There is nothing more infuriating when you have a view and it appears that view is being ignored."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002