A wealthy businessman, whose death sparked fears of a murder, shot himself after an argument with his wife about his excessive drinking, an inquest has heard.

Michael Andrew - also known as Micky Roman - from Kennedy Avenue, Laindon, had just finished a meal with wife Debbie and teenage daughter Jessie on December 12 last year.

Coroner's officer PC Graham Crisp, reading out Mrs Andrew's statement at the coroner's court in Chelmsford, said an argument began after his wife complained of his increased drinking.

Without another word, Mr Andrew went upstairs - with his wife following him - and took out a semi-automatic pistol and shot himself in the head.

Mrs Andrew said: "I heard a bang. I wasn't sure what happened. But then I saw blood. I ran downstairs and phoned for an ambulance. I couldn't make sense so Jessie told them what had happened." Jessie ran to neighbours for help.

Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray recorded an open verdict.

Published Friday, March 8, 2002