Shopping precincts across Castle Point could all be given facelifts if councillors have their way.

Members of the borough council's highways committee are to put in a bid for cash to Essex County Council to revamp run-down shopping areas - so they can all look like Benfleet's revamped Roseberry Parade.

Councillors have also agreed to spend money keeping the revamped shopping precincts up to scratch.

Paul Fisher (Lab, Appleton) said: "I welcome improvements to shopping areas but I have a fear that we are introducing these schemes but we have a problem maintaining them. We have had problems in Tarpots and we should look at having money for maintenance."

Dave Wells (Lab, St George's) said: "We have put in a lot of improvements. Let us emphasise that we must have means to maintain them.

"I have just had a meeting with the traders of Roseberry Walk and they are very pleased with the improvements, but they are not going to spend money keeping the area nice if the council doesn't."

Published Monday, March 11, 2002