Council leader Andy Smith has given members an update on how the authority's membership of the Thames Gateway has benefitted the borough.

Coun Smith, who is cabinet member for community leadership, first reported to Thurrock Council's overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Thames Gateway partnership in September.

That followed a call-in request from councillors, which was rejected in favour of regualr reports from the leader.

At Tuesday's meeting of the committee, Coun Smith told members: "There is one improvement that's hard to measure, and that's the influence we have now.

"Because we are joined with other London authorities, we really are at the top table talking to ministers."

Coun Smith told the committee that Thurrock pays about £30,000 to Thames Gateway London Partnership, along with east London and Dartford aurthorities.

For that fee, Thurrock has reaped the benefit:

Thames Gateway Football program run by West Ham coaches at St Chad's in October and November.

Rail station improvements in conjunction with c2c

Partnership with east London authorities to try to revitalise industrial estates in west of borough

Coun Smith said: "We're major players now. In the last few months we have made big progress and I think we will make bigger progress in the future."

Coun Richard Price (Lab, West Thurrock), said: "I'm extremely chuffed as far as West Thurrock is concerned."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002