Personality profiling could spell the end of the misery that afflicts the lives of thousands of business people every year - the realisation that you have given years of your life to the wrong job.

Essex-based business coach Elaine Jenking, of Solo Flight Career Mentoring and Life Skills, was so struck by the number of unhappy business people she was seeing that had clearly made the wrong choices at a tender age, that she decided something had to be done.

So she has launched a new career profiling and mentoring service to help young people of 14 and over discover the career route that most suits their personality and abilities.

Career design - Elaine Jenking helps a pupil fill in her profile form which will suggest her best

The child completes a personality profile form, which is used to suggest careers in which that individual could flourish while also showing parents and teachers how they can improve relations with the pupil.

Elaine said: "By discovering relative strengths and the most suitable types of careers and roles for their personality, youngsters can make informed decisions on the options to maximise their career potential."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002