Criminals beware! Prepare for a major crackdown in Chelmsford as part of the borough's Crime Reduction Week.

Police and council officers are teaming up with the Chelmsford Crime Reduction Partnership for a high profile initiative between March 18-24 aimed at reducing various offences across the area.

Monday March 18 starts the ball rolling with a blitz on bogus callers.

Police officers throughout the division will be undertaking high visibility patrols and knocking on the doors of residents, especially the elderly, offering advice on using door chains and preventing bogus callers from gaining access to their homes.

Tuesday is health and safety day, with around 150 elderly residents from all over the area attending an advice day at the Baptist Church in Victoria Road South.

They will receive information on a variety of subjects including bogus callers and crime prevention, avoiding slips and falls, and driving when older.

Women's car safety comes under the spotlight at a special evening being held at Dovercourt's in Chelmsford on Wednesday, offering advice to women on car maintenance, first aid and safety.

On Friday, police and Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators will be in the B&Q car park in Chelmsford offering advice on shed and garage security and demonstrating a range of devices to prevent thefts.

Throughout the week police officers from Chelmsford road policing unit will be undertaking a high profile crackdown on drink-driving, speeding and motorists not wearing seatbelts.

Published Monday, March 11, 2002