Maldon Police are contacting local schools in a bid to stop a resurgence of a criminal craze which hits car owners.

Police and are worried that children are prising car badges from vehicles and swapping them at school.

The move comes after three youngsters admitted dozens of thefts in the Wickham Bishops area.

Three boys, all under 14-years-old, were detained after being caught stealing the badges. Two of the youths were equipped with screwdrivers, while the other was caught with six car badges on him.

The three admitted to committing 25 offences on motor vehicles, in the Wickham Bishops area. They were released after a police caution.

PC Dave Underwood from Maldon Police, who led the investigation, said: "We want this to be a warning to youngsters that we are now taking car badge thefts very seriously indeed."

Sarah Dignasse, headteacher at Plume School in Maldon, said: "We have not had any contact with Maldon Police and I am not aware of any incidents in our school, but we will help them try to get the message across to children not to do it."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002