Business Link for Essex has urged potential entrepreneurs not to let fear of failure stand in the way of their dreams of success.

The Government's newly published Household Survey reveals that while 18 per cent of the population run their own businesses and a further 12 per cent are interested in following that route, a massive 70 per cent have no interest in entrepreneurship, citing fear as the barrier.

The main deterrent is fear of debt, closely followed by the difficulty in finding finance, and the fear that the whole enterprise will end in failure anyway.

But according to Business Link for Essex, the Government-backed business support and advice provider, such fears can be wide of the mark, especially if new entrepreneurs are prepared to do their homework.

Andrew Pavlou, head of business services, said: "Essex is one of the leading enterprise areas, with VAT registrations showing a higher than average rate of business start ups, with new and growing businesses of up to 250 employees. We help with advice on all issues facing businesses, from business planning and finance to marketing and e-commerce.

"Entrepreneurs who take good advice from the outset and plan carefully have a much better chance of establishing a successful business."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002