Unique historical dolls including two famous Essex women are set to go under the auctioneer's hammer.

The nine dolls, up for auction in Clacton, are made of papier mache and are thought to have been made in about 1910.

The collection includes Lady Darcy of Hergrave, who founded the almshouses in Eld Lane, Colchester, and Rose Allen, one of the Great Bentley martyrs, who was burned at the stake in the 16th century.

Guy and dolls - Paul Downs, of Clacton Auctions, with two of the historic dolls that are up for auction. Picture: STEVE BRADING (20119-a)

Paul Downs, owner of Clacton Auctions, said: "They are totally unique and I've never come across anything like them before. They are really rather nice and the costumes are fabulous. There's been a lot of interest in them."

The auction will take place at Clacton Auctions, in Old Road, on March 17

Published Monday, March 11, 2002