Tollesbury is pushing out the boat to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee, and a committee has been formed to co-ordinate a weekend of fun, games and events from Saturday June 1 through to Tuesday June 4 reigned over by the village's own "Queen Elizabeth."

Anybody living in Tollesbury with the name Elizabeth is eligible to make a bid to be "Queen" for the weekend.

Names will be taken out of hat at a concert in the Congregational Church on the eve of the celebrations and the winner will attend the festivities in her regal capacity.

A day by the waterside is planned for the Saturday featuring a duck race on Woodup Pool, a sand castle competition, a pool fun run, rowing and sailing races, a canoe demonstration and a barbecue.

On the Sunday there will be a service on the Recreation Ground for a new memorial and trees in memory of the men who died in the two world wars, and other events that day will be an "off street" party on Woodrolfe Green for supporters of the village scout and guide packs and a special service at St Mary's Church.

The committee chairman is the Reverend Keith Lovell, of St Mary's, and he can be contacted on 01621 868441.

Published Monday, March 11, 2002