Is Robert Mugabe getting away with murder? Have the courts become a playground for lawyers at the expense of justice for crime victims?

Opposing views - Simon Heffer, Romola Christopherson, Oliver Walston and Peter Tatchell are kept in order by Jonathan Dimbleby. Picture: MAXINE CLARKE 7xjjr22

Curious radio listeners flocked to Shoeburyness High School to take part in lively broadcast of BBC Radio 4's current affairs programme Any Questions?

Hundreds filled the school hall where the programme, which was established 53 years ago, went out live to the nation.

After a few minor technical problems the show went on air and presenter Jonathan Dimbleby told listeners: "I am here in Shoebury, the furthest east you can go in Essex, without getting wet."

Six people were given a chance to ask questions to the four-strong panel of Peter Tatchell, controversial campaigner for the gay rights group Outrage; Simon Heffer, right-wing columnist for the Daily Mail; Oliver Walston, farmer and newspaper contributor; and Romola Christopherson, former head of communications for the Department of Health.

Published Monday, March 11, 2002