Slapstick star Bojit will be swapping the big top for the big drop in his most daring trick yet.

Children's entertainer Tony Johnson, better known as Bojit the clown, is getting ready to parachute from a plane next month in costume.

Mr Johnson, of Main Road, Dovercourt, said he was terrified at the thought but would be making the jump for charity.

The 36-year-old wants to raise money for Mayflower Primary School in Dovercourt, where he is a governor, and Dovercourt Sea Scouts, where he is a leader.

He said: "I'm absolutely horrified at the thought of doing the jump, but I love to do things for charity and Mayflower needs money to buy outdoor play equipment and the Sea Scouts have a lovely new building, but it costs money to run."

Anyone wanting to sponsor Bojit should phone 01255 507524.

Published Monday, March 11, 2002