Changes to the way adult education is funded nationally has sparked concerns for the service in Thurrock.

John Kent - chairman of the Thurrock Adult Community College governors - quizzed cabinet member for education Carl Morris on the issue at last Thursday's meeting.

Coun Kent said: "Government funding ends in August next year and I am concerned about fees, especially for the elderly and the disabled."

He asked: "Can you say that the authority will contribute to funding. The bulk will come from the Learning Skills Council, but can we put money aside?"

Coun Kent said that, for example, the family literacy and numeracy scheme would be half-funded by the LSC. At present the Government provides the other half, but this is to end.

The LSC would also not subsidise courses for the over 60s ? "that's around 800 people who are facing the prospect of having to pay full fees", he said.

There were also concerns about funding to allow the college to expand and the increasing costs of hiring facilities from schools.

Without making a definite commitment to provide all the funding, Coun Morris said he would look favourably on it and see if it could be incorporated into the next budget.

Published Friday, March 8, 2002