A headteacher today vowed to appeal after plans to sell off disused playing fields to fund vital improvements were rejected.

Jonathan Tippett, of Stanway School, said his buildings would become further dilapidated unless something was done to repair them.

The school applied with Persimmon Homes for outline planning permission for an extension and alterations to the Winstree Road school, to provide teaching facilities, changing rooms and an all-weather sports area.

To fund the work, the school wanted to sell off its redundant playing fields to the developers for residential development.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Tippett said: "The buildings are in a desperate state. We are spending a disproportionate amount of money on maintaining them at the moment. The children are not getting a fair deal."

Henry Spyvee (Lib Dem, Castle) said: "I have great sympathy for the school. It is tremendously difficult for teachers and I am worried about the way forward, but this is frankly not the way to do it."

Published Friday, March 8, 2002