Police are appealing for key witnesses to come forward to help them in the hunt for a man who carried out a brutal assault in a town centre.

A man was clubbed on the face with a metal wheel brace during the attack which happened near Woolworths store in Grays pedestrian precinct.

PC Kerry Chilvers said: "Two couples in their mid-40s were walking in the pedestrian part of the High Street when a light-coloured BMW drove past them and then stopped.

"One of the occupants got out of the vehicle wielding a four-spoke wheel brace above his head. He accused one of the men of kicking his car and hit him in the face with the wheel brace knocking him to the floor.

"The man suffered severe bruising to the face and was lucky not to lose any teeth.

"There were three people in the car. Descriptions are very vague but we believe them to be in their mid-20s."

The incident happened at about 10.30pm on March 2 and PC Chilvers would like any witnesses to come forward.

Anyone with information can contact PC Chilvers at Grays Police Station on 01375 391212.

Published Friday, March 8, 2002