Westcliff Lawn III turned a 4-2 points reverse into a 5-1 win thanks to an oversight by Westcliff Hard IV.

The Men's Division Four hosts saw Roy White and John Jackson beat Lawn's Simon Ravinet and Steve Hickson 6-4 6-2.

But then it was discovered Jackson had played three times in an higher league this season, making him ineligible to play in the match.

Ravinet and Hickson were handed a 6-0 6-0 walkover which gave the club the victory after Richard Ward and Robert Liddell defeated Hard pair Bruce Bowler and Richard Turner 4-6 6-3 6-4.

Wickford II received their easiest six points of the season when Westcliff Hard III were unable to field a team.

The maximum gives the Swan Lane club a five-point advantage over basement team Hockley II in Men's Division Three.

Published Thursday, March 7, 2002