It was on January 11 this year that the the problems faced by Chadwell St Mary's Scouts and Guides were highlighted.

After replacing smashed windows in the Waterson Road headquarters in 2001, Group Scout Leader Dave Veitch explained they faced a £25,000 bill after firebugs attacked the building.

On Tuesday Mr Veitch was celebrating with everybody who had rallied around to get the hall back in working order.

"It's just eight weeks since the Gazette told of our plight, now we have our headquarters back and there's somewhere for 250 Chadwell youngsters to go."

The Mayor of Thurrock, Barrie Lawrence was at the building, representing the Thurrock Community Chest along with organisations and individuals who also offered help "in kind, in money or in goods", said Mr Veitch.

Also at the headquarters to receive the group's thanks were Colin Martin, Colin Wigham and David Topliss, along with Mike Brown from Finn Forest; Wendy Turpin, of ASDA; Pat Noble, from Cargill plc and Derek Everard of Procter and Gamble.

"We must not forget the parents and leaders who also put in a lot of time and effort," said Mr Veitch."

Published Thursday, March 7, 2002