A massive mobile phone mast planned for The Point, Canvey, has been rejected by Castle Point Council's planning committee.

Councillors were horrified at the prospect of a 15-metre mast towering into the sky with six antennae, four dishes and ten equipment cabinets.

The majority voted against the application from Orange, even though planning director Ian Burchill had recommended them to approve it.

However, Lionel Hart (Con, Canvey East) said the mast would stand just short of 50ft at 48ft 9ins high.

Other councillors insisted there were no health risks.

However, Mr Hart and other colleagues told how the proposed mast was on land allocated for residential use in the local plan.

Worried neighbours had sent him a sheaf of objection letters, and 13 more people wrote to the council expressing their health fears and concerns about it being an eyesore.

Dave Blackwell (Lab, Canvey Central) and Ray Howard (Con, Canvey West) both said more residential properties could be on the way soon.

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002