Twenty years after the Falklands War, more than 100 Colchester soldiers are heading off to the South Atlantic

The troops led by men from 3 Para include veterans of the conflict, who were serving with 2 and 3 Para in 1982.

They will spend four months on the Falkland Islands as part of the reinforcement company based there permanently.

Duties will include carrying out patrols, practising live firing, taking part in adventure training and running battlefield tours.

Most of the company which will be made up of platoons from 1 and 2 Para will be based in Port Stanley.

They will be in the Falklands for all the major anniversaries of the conflict, including the anniversary of the Battle of Goose Green, before returning in July.

Major Pete Flynn, officer commanding the reinforcement company, said: "For many of the soldiers this will be their first trip to the Falkland Islands and for the younger ones, their first operational tour."

This will be the first time many of the veterans who are now based in Colchester will have returned to the islands which they saw in very different circumstances as young soldiers.

Maj Flynn said: "We will be marking all of the major anniversaries with the islanders and, no doubt, hosting visitors to the islands during the course of our four months here."

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002