Councillors have voted to defer consideration of a major new industrial development between Witham and Rivenhall.

Lancaster Management Services had applied to build a Mercedes-Benz after-sales centre, which would create 50 new jobs, on land known as Area 3 of Eastways Waterside business park.

Braintree Council's Witham area committee was expected to consider the application at a meeting last night.

But when the matter came up for discussion, Leslie Mitchell, the council's area development control manager, asked members to defer consideration.

Mr Mitchell said: "I have received a revised plan from the applicant showing the flues necessary in this development.

"I feel that given the scale of the flues, and I must say they are quite big, it would be right to defer to consult with Rivenhall Parish Council, Witham Town Council, and the Environmental Health department."

James Abbott (Green, Silver End and Rivenhall) asked for more attention to be given to the possibility that the developer could fund amenities within Rivenhall parish through a Section 106 agreement, where planning permission is granted subject to the developer providing community services.

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002