A Jubilee celebration will be decorated in unique style - with hand-knitted bunting.

Event organiser Joyce Price, 73, has been busy knitting red, white and blue bunting in time for a street party for the residents of Bentley Avenue, Jaywick, to celebrate the Queen's golden jubilee.

She said: "I make about five pieces a day and I have 24 flags at the moment."

Celebration in wool - the Jubilee bunting in Jaywick is being knitted

Mrs Price started to make the knitted bunting two weeks ago because she thought it would be different.

She said the party would be held at the side of the avenue on June 3, from 3pm-6pm, as the road will not be closed off.

Mrs Price said presents would be given to the 30 children that were expected to come and there would also be food and possibly a karaoke machine for the party.

Plans are also under way at the Community and Resource Centre in Jaywick to hold a whole day of celebrations.

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002