A major reptile group has been refused a licence to hold a one-day fair in Basildon later this month, council officials have announced.

The event, organised by the Essex Reptiles and Amphibians Society, was planned to take place at Basildon Sports Centre, in Nethermayne, on Sunday, March 31.

However, officers at Basildon Council have taken legal advice and decided it is not appropriate to sell animals at the centre.

Nigel Smith, in charge of health and services to the community at Basildon Council, has been a fervent opponent of the fair.

He said: "The licencing decision is taken solely by officers but I am pleased the event will not be going ahead in Basildon.

"These sorts of fairs are, increasingly, being refused licences in other parts of the country and it is good to see the existing legislation being used."

Last month, Mr Smith expressed regret at having to give outline permission for the fair - an event he has attacked as an "inhumane racket" in the past.

A Basildon Council spokesman said: "The application came under the Pet Animals Act 1951 and was turned down on officer recommendation, following legal advice that the sports hall was a public place and market."

"We were advised the act did not permit the sale of animals in such circumstances."

The Essex Reptiles and Amphibians Society was unavailable for comment but, in the past, has insisted there are strict rules forbidding the sale of large snakes and lizards.

It says members do care about the animals and do not put them under stress.

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002