A power cut caused havoc in and around Brentwood town centre as electricity failed at many bars, restaurants and homes.

According to electricity company 24Seven more than 2,200 customers lost their power supply at around 10.30pm on Saturday due to an underground fault between two sub-stations.

Some establishments were able to switch to emergency lighting, but others were seriously disrupted.

Meanwhile many streetlamps in the town centre went off due to the powercut.

At the High Street's Cafe Rouge staff were unable to complete orders for customers.

Manager Ellen Charalambous said: "We were around three quarters full when it happened. We couldn't prepare food so we had to cancel some orders and send some people away."

Power was restored in stages to different areas which meant most of the customers effected had regained their power supply by 12.31am on Sunday.

However, 76 households had to wait until 8am the following day as 24Seven were unable to redirect the electricity supply for these premises.

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002