Topsy Agnew may be in her 90s but it hasn't stopped her entering the new cyber world.

Mrs Agnew, of Bradfield, is registered blind but decided she wanted to learn about publishing on a computer.

Her teacher Annette Andrews was amazed at how quickly she picked up new skills and now Mrs Agnew is considering learning how to e-mail her daughter in Canada.

Computer publishing Topsy Agnew gets tips from Annette Andrews. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN (19984-8)

She has a special computer to help her see what is on the screen.

Mrs Agnew, who produces a village newsletter, said: "I realised I ought to try and get a computer, I had been teaching myself up to now."

Mrs Andrews, of Heath Road, Bradfield, set up her computer skills' project after completing a course at Colchester Institute.

She aims to raise funds for a new charity, Dyslexics in Need, which provides youngsters with "miracle" glasses.Her own daughter has benefited from them already.

Part of the profits from her project will also buy books to help dyslexic children read

Published Wednesday, March 6, 2002