A customs clampdown on the use of illegal fuel in Essex has resulted in an illegal fuel plant being closed down and a large number of vehicles seized.

In a six-day operation across the region, with the use of customs road fuel-testing vans, 55 vehicles were seized, including two fuel tankers and eight other heavy goods vehicles that had been running illegally.

Customs officers also discovered a fuel laundering plant near Basildon where red diesel was being "washed" with acid to take out the red dye for onward sale, with potentially large profits.

Red diesel is normal diesel with a reduced duty, restricted for use in farm vehicles.

The possible loss of revenue over the last two years at this one plant is estimated at around £1.6 million, and the plant operator is currently being sought for questioning.

John Barber, customs spokesman for the eastern region, said: "The jewel in the crown as far as this operation is concerned is the laundering plant. We seized there over 42,000 litres of waste oil and acid sludge."

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002